Important points which help to make a perfect design | Chetna Grover

Important points which help to make a perfect design

๐Ÿ‘Select high-quality images.

Resources: Unsplash,Pixabay

๐Ÿ‘Make sure the color is on point (Use contrasting colors)

Color is the most impactful element of design in communicating a message

Resources: Adobe color, Paletton

๐Ÿ‘Integrate space between elements(use white space)

Space in design helps draw attention to a specific message or element.

๐Ÿ‘ Consistency

Be consistent with your fonts and color palette (for a brand/website)

This makes you recognizable everywhere

๐Ÿ‘ Typography (Select the right fonts)

Don't stick to one font, try playing/experimenting with different fonts but...don't use more than 3 fonts

Limit yourself to pairing two fonts in your design

๐Ÿ‘ Keep your content aligned

Alignment helps give structure and order to design

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