Anushka (@tasteless-jango-fett)

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UI/UX Designer


What Are Mental Models and How Are They Used in UX Design?

Think about the first thing you do when you pick up a new mobile phone or click on a new website. Do you have an expectation when you swipe across the mobile screen or scan the navigation at the top of the webpage for the first time?

If you answered yes, you have a mental model of how those user interfaces work.

Get Your Design Groove on with the 8pt and 4pt Grid System!

Do you want to create clean and consistent designs that are easy to adapt to different screen sizes and resolutions? Do you want to make your work easier and faster, while still maintaining a visually appealing look? Then you need the 8pt and 4pt grid system!

The 8pt and 4pt grid system is a popular method used by designers to create clean and organized designs with consistent spacing.

Have you ever found yourself lost in a sea of messages, struggling to keep track of who said what and when?

If you're a frequent user of messaging platforms like Slack, Discord or Whatsapp you've probably encountered two common ways of organizing messages: threaded view and conversation view. But what's the difference between them, and which one is better?


Five elements of UX design

The five elements of UX design are a framework of UX designers' steps to turn an idea into a working product.

This framework has a bottom-to-top structure. On each plane, the issues we must deal with become less abstract and more concrete.

These are Five Elements ( from bottom to top ):
