Understanding the Importance of package-lock.json | Saksham Khandelwal


Saksham Khandelwal
Jan 24, 2023

Understanding the Importance of package-lock.json

Node.js is a powerful JavaScript runtime that enables developers to create server-side applications easily. However, as with any technology, certain intricacies must be understood to use it effectively. One such detail is the package-lock.json file.


In this post, we will explore the core of Node and understand the root of a Node project through the package-lock.json file.

When creating a Node project, one of the first things you will do is install the necessary dependencies. These dependencies are managed through the package.json file, which lists all the packages required for the project.

However, as your project grows and evolves, so will dependencies. This can lead to issues such as version conflicts and unexpected behaviour. This is where the package-lock.json file comes in.

The package-lock.json file is automatically generated when dependencies are installed in a Node project.

It is a snapshot of the exact versions of each dependency currently being used in the project.

This ensures that the dependencies will remain consistent across different environments, such as development and production. Additionally, the package-lock.json file allows for easy rollbacks in case of any issues with updates or upgrades.

One key feature of package-lock.json is that it locks down the dependencies to a specific version. Any updates to a dependency will be reflected in the project once the package-lock.json file is updated. This ensures that the project will not break due to unexpected changes in a dependency.

Let’s say we have a package.json file that lists the following dependencies:

{ "dependencies": { "express": "^4.17.1", "mongoose": "^5.10.5", "passport": "^0.4.1" }}

We run the command “npm install” to install the dependencies. This will also generate a package-lock.json file in the project directory.

The package-lock.json file will look something like this:

{ "dependencies": { "express": { "version": "4.17.1", "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/express/-/express-4.17.1.tgz", "integrity": "sha512-mHJ9O79RqluphRrcw2X/GTh5QZ9Jt2epLk/+kfYKZWI3MjQf1Hvo9wA5QZwY5DwYcO8f2Nexr5UJ6zQ5qX9lg==", "requires": { "accepts": "1.3.7", ... } }, "mongoose": { "version": "5.10.5", "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/mongoose/-/mongoose-5.10.5.tgz", "integrity": "sha512-cRz8J6WnP+xTjTpT1Zrq3JWL1X9G9z+vYfJ8UzpOwFj+U6o2UvZ8U6W5J9M5e5o5z5f5+5m5xJxwV5xZz5oFVg==", "requires": { "async": "^3.2.0", ... } }, "passport": { "version": "0.4.1", "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/passport/-/passport-0.4.1.tgz", "integrity": "sha512-W7VX9A2kJNhN/jK6d8snaJ/nT/GxZjr/Zn3qmfk/6M7mz69/YjA8G6Zhbd6ZwUvZdQ+W8jO9le1fhU7lBjzKjw==", "requires": { "connect": "~3.0.2", ... } } }}

1. The package-lock.json file lists all the dependencies installed and their specific versions, their integrity hashes, and the version of the dependencies they need.

2. If we run npm install again, npm will check the package-lock.json and install the exact versions of the dependencies specified in the package-lock.json file rather than the latest version specified in the package.json file. This ensures that the dependencies will remain consistent across different environments, such as development and production.

3. Additionally, if a developer wants to update a dependency, they will need to update the version number in the package.json file and run “npm install” again to update the package-lock.json file. This allows for easy rollbacks in case of any issues with updates or upgrades.

4. It’s also important to note that the package-lock.json file should generally not be updated manually.

What do I do if it's deleted?

If the package-lock.json file has been deleted, there are a few steps you can take to restore it.

1. Reinstall the dependencies: If you have a backup of the package.json file, you can reinstall the dependencies by running the command “npm install”. This will generate a new package-lock.json file with the correct dependency versions.

2. Use npm shrinkwrap: npm shrinkwrap is a command that creates a lockfile similar to package-lock.json but is intended for publishing and doesn’t record the SHA-1 of the package tarballs.

3. Use yarn: Yarn is a package manager similar to npm that also generates a lockfile called yarn.lock. If you have Yarn installed, you can use it to restore the dependencies and generate a new lockfile.

It is important to note that if the package-lock.json file is deleted, it may cause issues with the consistency and predictability of the dependencies. This brings us nicely to the next question.

Should I commit it?

The package-lock.json file must be included in the project’s version control system so that the exact dependencies used in the project can be tracked over time. This also helps when collaborating with other developers, as they will be able to see precisely what dependencies are being used in the project.

The package-lock.json file is a vital aspect of Node development as it ensures consistency and predictability of dependencies while providing a means for rollbacks and tracking dependencies over time. Understanding and utilising this file is critical in effectively managing Node projects. Happy coding!