How Google Search Works | Saksham Khandelwal


How Google Search Works

Google Search is used to find information on the web, including websites, images, videos, and news.

Google Search works by crawling the web. Googlebot, Google’s web crawler, visits websites and collects information about them.

This information includes the website’s title, content, and links to other websites.

Google then stores this information in its index.

When a user searches for something on Google, Google uses its index to find websites that are relevant to the search query.

Google then ranks the websites according to their relevance and displays them to the user.

Google Search uses a variety of factors to rank websites, including the website’s content, the number of links to the website, and the website’s popularity.

Google also uses a variety of algorithms to improve the quality of its search results.

Google Search is a powerful tool that can be used to find information on the web. It is easy to use and it is available in many languages.

Google Search is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn more about the world.

Here are some additional details about how Google Search works:

1. Google Search uses a variety of technologies to crawl the web, including HTML parsers, link extractors, and robots.txt parsers.

2. Google Search uses a variety of algorithms to rank websites, including PageRank, TF-IDF, and semantic analysis.

3. Google Search is constantly being updated with new features and improvements.

Google Search is a complex system, but it is designed to be easy to use and to provide users with the most relevant information possible.

Building a Search Like Google Suggested Search Using Elasticsearch and Node.js


Elasticsearch is a distributed, RESTful search and analytics engine. It is used to store, search, and analyze large amounts of data. Elasticsearch can be used to build a search like Google suggested search.

To build a search like Google suggested search using Elasticsearch and Node.js, you will need to:

1. Install Elasticsearch and Node.js.

2. Create an Elasticsearch index.

3. Index your data into Elasticsearch.

4. Create a Node.js application that can search Elasticsearch.

The following is an example of a Node.js application that can search Elasticsearch:

const client = require('elasticsearch');const params = { index: 'my_index', type: 'my_type', body: { query: { suggest: { my_suggest: { text: 'give me the meaning', completion: { field: 'my_field', size: 10 } } } } }};, (err, response) => { if (err) { console.error(err); } else { const results = response.hits.hits; results.forEach(result => { console.log(result._source.my_field); }); }});

This code will print the following results:


As you can see, this code can be used to build a search like Google suggested search using Elasticsearch and Node.js.