Saksham Khandelwal (@devlord)

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Saksham Khandelwal

Software Engineer


How Google Search Works

Google Search is used to find information on the web, including websites, images, videos, and news.

Google Search works by crawling the web. Googlebot, Google’s web crawler, visits websites and collects information about them.

This information includes the website’s title, content, and links to other websites.

Google then stores this information in its index.

Why single threaded NodeJS?

A single threaded language means it can do only one thing at a time. Then why we use a single threaded language like NodeJS to create high traffic web applications with lots of concurrent connection.

Doesn’t it look counterintuitive?

Don’t you think a multi-thread language like Java and C++ will be more appropriate for this use case?


Manipulate Types in TypeScript

TypeScript is a really great language, it has a very powerful type system.

We can combine various type operators to form complex operations and values in a maintainable way.

Docker commands for beginners

Docker is a tool that allows software developers to easily create, deploy, and run applications in containers. Containers provide a consistent environment for software to run in, making it easy to develop and test applications on a developer’s local machine, and then deploy them to a production environment.


Why You Shouldn’t Use any TypeScript type

What’s the point of using strictly typed extended JavaScript code if you’re going to try and get away with not strictly typing your code?

For example, if you’ve created a function that expects the return value to have a specific type, but a different type gets returned instead, TypeScript would flag the error.


A Beginner’s Guide to ESLint

Most frontend developers use ESLint for linting their JavaScript. ESLint is a static analysis checker that analyzes your source code and looks for errors and violations of best practices. It helps you quickly find problems, even before running your app locally.


Understanding the Importance of package-lock.json

Node.js is a powerful JavaScript runtime that enables developers to create server-side applications easily. However, as with any technology, certain intricacies must be understood to use it effectively. One such detail is the package-lock.json file.


The reason JavaScript has ==, ===, and to compare values

JavaScript, like many programming languages, offers multiple ways to compare values. This can be confusing for developers, especially when it comes to determining the differences between the “==” operator, the “===” operator, and the method.

Real-World Applications of GPT-3 Chatbots

GPT-3, or Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3, is a powerful language generation model developed by OpenAI. It uses deep learning techniques to generate human-like text based on a given prompt, making it a popular choice for chatbot functionality. Let's explore some of the real-world applications of GPT-3 chatbots.


CodeGPT: The VSCode Extension with ChatGPT-Like Functionalities

VSCode has more useful extensions than the code editors we use on the daily basis.

One of those extensions is CodeGPT. This extension allows us to use GPT-3 inside VSCode through the official OpenAI API. This is something like having ChatGPT in our code editor!