FIFO Explore • Posts | 5


Rich Text Editor

In recent years, the field of Content Creation and Representation on Digital platforms has seen massive disruption.

This transition has shown how companies are racing to build the best experience for content creators in the enterprise domain and trying to find innovative ways to break the traditional molds of sharing and consuming content.


What are React server components?

React Server Components allows the server and the client to collaborate in rendering your React application. Here’s a quick illustration from the React team, showing what the end goal is: a React tree, where the orange components rendered on the server, and blue components are rendered on the client.




Hi everyone,

Today we will discuss Advanced SQL commands


Code GPT: Artificial intelligence inside your IDE with this open source extension

If you are a developer, this may be illegal for you to use 😵‍💫


Six reasons why XGBoost is better than GBM

XGBoost (eXtreme Gradient Boosting) and GBM (Gradient Boosting Machine) are both popular machine-learning algorithms for classification and regression problems.

Here are some reasons why XGBoost is considered better than GBM:

1. Regularization: XGBoost has a regularization term in its objective function, which penalizes models for being too complex, thus reducing overfitting. GBM does not have this feature.


Design A URL Shortener

In this post, we will tackle an interesting and classic system design approach: designing a URL shortening service like tinyurl.


Problem: I want to use Python to read messages from a Kafka Topic between two timestamps from all partitions. You can use tools like kcat to do this, but there is no simple way to do it from Python.

My Code:

#kafka #Python #Pandas


The Complete Guide to System Design

Why should I learn system design?

Over the last two decades, there have been a lot of advancements in large-scale web applications. These advancements have redefined the way we think about software development. All of the apps and services that we use daily, like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, are scalable systems.


Personally, other than practicing there are no other tips to become better at what you do, especially in design.


Hey Y'all, I am Rohan, Flutter dev and DevOps enthusiast, just got to know about this platform, and would love to be a part of this community, learn and grow together!