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Sailesh Verma

Developer @Gluelabs


How to Parse JSON in Dart/Flutter

Parsing JSON is a very common task for apps that need to fetch data from the Internet.

And depending on how much JSON data you need to process, you have two options:

write all the JSON parsing code manually

automate the process with code generation

Encoding and Decoding JSON

When a JSON response is sent over the network, the entire payload is encoded as a string.

But inside our Flutter apps, we don't want to extract the data from a string manually:

Request parameters

I mentioned how the Request object holds all the HTTP request information. These are the main properties you'll likely use:


The first "Hello, World" example---

Heyy everyone, Today we will be discussing the next part of Express :)

const express = require('express')

const app = express()

app.get('/', (req, res) => res.send('Hello World!'))

app.listen(3000, () => console.log('Server ready'))

These 4 lines of code do a lot behind the scenes.

Introduction to Express-

Express is a Web Framework built upon Node.js.

Node.js is an amazing tool for building networking services and applications. Express builds on top of its features to provide easy to use functionality that satisfies the needs of the Web Server use-case. It's Open Source, free, easy to extend and very performant.

How Razor pay Scaled Their Notification Service

One of the most valued fintech businesses in India is Razorpay, a payments service. The number of transactions on the system has been increasing exponentially as a result of the expansion in users and payment volume.


How to store events?

While building a product storing events is very necessary. We should always store events for each and every action a user performs.

Storing events can help us in generating Notifications, Analytics, identifying issues/bugs, etc.

In this post, I am going to explain how we should store events.