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Sprout Social vs. Later: Which is Better for Branding in 2023?

Wondering which social media management tool will elevate your branding game this year? Well! Picking the right tool matters. By this, you can enhance your brand effectively. So, dear readers, Meet Sprout Social first. It gives data-driven insights, and competitive analysis that will help you in multiple ways. Plus, it nurtures client relationships seamlessly. Now, let's talk about Later. Its visual storytelling expertise awaits you.


Rob Den

How Flutter Works Behind the Scenes:

Flutter does not redraw/recreate the entire UI on every build(){...} method call. Flutter aims to give you a 60 FPS (Frames Per Second) application. So, it updates the screen 60 times per second. It means that the screen is repainted by Flutter 60 times per second.


Sailesh Verma

Ontra vs. Clawdia: Which is better?

Are you torn between Ontra and Clawdia, grappling with the decision on which SaaS tool is the ideal fit for your B2B needs? Both Ontra and Clawdia are top B2B software, each offering distinct strengths and functionalities. In this blog, we will unravel the features and drawbacks of both platforms, enabling you to make an informed choice.


Rob Den

B2B Accounting with MindBridge: A Comprehensive Exploration

Are you ready to revolutionize your B2B accounting processes, enhance efficiency, and uncover hidden opportunities? In the fast-paced world of modern business, having the right software at your disposal can make all the difference. Enter MindBridge, an advanced accounting tool designed to meet the unique needs of B2B enterprises. In this blog, we will delve into the world of MindBridge, exploring its distinctive features and how they can transform your accounting practices.


Rob Den

What Is Containerization?

A container is a lightweight, portable computing environment with all the necessary files to run independently. Containerization is the process of making an application runnable as a container. Once the application can run as a container, it runs the same regardless of the infrastructure used to execute the container.


Amit Kumar

DevOps Principles

The main principles of DevOps are Continuous delivery, automation, and fast reaction to the feedback. End to End Responsibility: DevOps team need to provide performance support until they become the end of life. It enhances the responsibility and the quality of the products engineered.


Amit Kumar

DevOps Automation

Automation is the crucial need for DevOps practices, and automate everything is the fundamental principle of DevOps. Automation kick starts from the code generation on the developers machine, until the code is pushed to the code and after that to monitor the application and system in the production.


Amit Kumar

Docker: Managing data with Volumes (Part 1)

Hello everyone, In the last post, we learned to perform various operations with containers and images. In this post, we will explore volumes, which are like state management for running applications with docker. We will discuss different kinds of data we encounter while working with docker. We will learn about different kinds of volumes, and explore anonymous and named volumes in detail by discussing their implementation in a node server application. We will create these volumes in our system.


Manvi Sharma

Svelte Readable Stores

Readable stores are special because they can't be updated from the outside - there's no set() or update() method. Instead, once you set the initial state, they can't be modified from the outside. The official Svelte docs show an interesting example using a timer to update a date.


Shalini Chauhan

Opt2 - Intro to optimization in deep learning:

Loss Function For the purpose of simplicity, let's pretend that our network contains just two parameters. In reality, this number would be close to a billion, but for the sake of keeping things simple and preventing mental overload, we'll use the two parameter example throughout the piece.


Yash Sharma

Using Svelte stores-

Svelte stores are a great tool to handle your app state when components need to talk to each other without passing props around too much. You must first import writable from svelte/store: import { writable } from 'svelte/store' and create a store variable using the writable() function, passing the default value as the first argument:


Shalini Chauhan

Useful Flutter packages:

url_launcher: Sometimes your application requires you to provide an external url that links to a website. Or you need to provide an email address or even a phone number in the contact form, to reach the support. For all these external links, it would be nice to open them directly through the app.


Sailesh Verma

Tools in Scenes Tab

As already mentioned, on clicking on any axis of a game object, it turns to yellow color. Once turned to yellow we can use it to move along that axis. The position where the x, y, and z-axis meet is called Pivot, and if the position along the x, y, and z-axis of a game object is 0, then that is called universalizing position inside unity.


Manvi Sharma

What is ChatGPT ?

So, ChatGPT has been the latest vibrant on the Internet , here in this post I will be discussing more about it. ChatGPT is a natural language processing tool driven by AI technology that allows you to have human-like conversations and much more than a chatbot. ChatGPT was launched as a prototype on 30th November 2022, developed by OpenAI.


Sailesh Verma

Flutter Structure: Element Tree & Widget Tree

The Widget Tree:- •The widget tree is simply all the widgets that you use to build the application, the code that you write builds up the widget tree.•It is completely controlled by you. You position the widgets within each other nesting them together to build desired layouts.


Sailesh Verma

Exploring and Experimenting with AI (Part-5)

Cohesive AI - Unacademy ChatGPT competitor for content creation. Are you tired of struggling with ChatGPT prompts? Cohesive AI is an innovative platform that assists in content creation by streamlining the process and enhancing productivity. It offers handpicked curated templates to produce high-quality content more efficiently.


Chetna Grover

Exploring and Experimenting with AI (Part-4)

Quillbot AI - Summarizer Feature QuillBot Summarizer is a free tool that can generate summaries of articles or text. The device uses advanced artificial intelligence algorithms to understand the context, structure, and meaning of the content. Then it generates a summary that captures the key points and message of the original text.


Chetna Grover

Physics in unity!!!!

After acquainting the basic working of unity components, let us now add some physics or reality to unity components. We will add a new 3D object, i.e., a sphere to our scene tab and position it above the cube. In real life, the sphere would fall on the cube since gravitational forces will act on it.


Manvi Sharma

Left or Right: The Button Debate in UX Design

When it comes to user experience (UX) design, even the smallest details can make a big impact on the user's satisfaction and usability. One of the most debated details in UX design is the placement of the primary button on a user interface. Should it be on the left or right side? The answer is not simple, and there are pros and cons to each option.


Chetna Grover

Updating server data using the useMutation hook-

React Query needs a function that will return a promise, and in this section of the article we will be looking at how to make a post request. For the past posts, we have focused on the data fetching aspect of React Query. Now we will focus on data posting: sending data from your application to the backend. Let’s see how simple this is with React Query.


Shalini Chauhan

What are DeepLinks?

Deep links are URLs (Uniform Resource Locators) that directly point to a specific page or content within a mobile application , bypassing the home page or main landing page. They allow users to navigate directly to a particular section, feature, or piece of content within an app , enhancing the user experience and reducing friction.


Sailesh Verma

Basics: Django

Django, a Python framework, streamlines web development by handling complex tasks, enabling developers to focus on crafting web applications. Emphasizing component reusability (DRY principle), Django offers out-of-the-box features like a login system, database connectivity, and CRUD operations (Create Read Update Delete). Operational Mechanism of Django: Django adheres to the MVT design pattern (Model View Template). Model: Represents data, typically sourced from a database. Django employs Object-Relational Mapping (ORM), simplifying database interaction. Unlike SQL, which necessitates database knowledge, ORM allows streamlined communication without intricate SQL coding.


Manvi Sharma

Data Definition Language (DDL)

Today we will discuss more about DDL commands- a. CREATE It is used to create a new table in the database. Syntax: 1. CREATE TABLE TABLE_NAME (COLUMN_NAME DATATYPES[,....]); Example: 1. CREATE TABLE EMPLOYEE(Name VARCHAR2(20), Email VARCHAR2(100), DOB DATE); b. DROP TABLE Example 1. DROP TABLE EMPLOYEE;


Shalini Chauhan

How to build Responsive Designs for your website using different CSS Frameworks?

Responsive design allows your website content to flow freely across all screen resolutions and sizes, and renders it to look great on all devices. So let's checkout how to make a website responsive using various CSS Frameworks available!



Parent and Child Game Objects in Unity!!!

In unity, we can make a game object child to another object by dragging one above the other in the hierarchy tab. It will then collapse the child within the parent, also move the parent it will carry the child with it, meaning that the child is scaled with the parent, whereas the child is free to move independently.


Manvi Sharma

Svelte Lifecycle Events-

Every component in Svelte fires several lifecycle events that we can hook into that help us implement the functionality we have in mind. we have- •onMount fired after the component is rendered•onDestroy fired after the component is destroyed•beforeUpdate fired before the DOM is updated•afterUpdate fired after the DOM is updated


Shalini Chauhan


Hello everyone, Today we will discuss Capacitors What is Capacitor? Capacitor is a free and open-source (MIT-licensed) platform that enables web developers to build cross-platform apps with standard web technology that runs in modern browsers. Capacitor consists of native platform SDKs (iOS and Android), a command line tool, a plugin API, and pre-made plugins.


Manvi Sharma

Why is creating pages important in React?

Before we dive into how this works, it’s important to understand where page creation helps and what it’s solving. A basic React application that doesn’t use a framework like Next.js works by mounting to an entrypoint in an HTML document (DOM node), where it then uses JavaScript to load all of the dynamic parts of the page.


Shalini Chauhan

Navigating Legal Waters in B2B: Top 5 SaaS Products to Empower Your Journey

Are you navigating the complex and often daunting legal landscape of B2B transactions? As businesses increasingly rely on technology, the legal aspects of B2B relationships have become more intricate than ever before. From contract management to intellectual property, the legal issues that can arise in the B2B realm are numerous and potentially costly.


Rob Den

Is "Later" your cup of tea: A Comprehensive Review

Have you ever wondered if there's a single tool that can truly revolutionize your B2B business operations? Well, the search for that game-changer might just end here. Welcome to our in-depth LATER review, where we embark on a journey to uncover the extraordinary potential of this exceptional platform. In the following pages, we'll leave no stone unturned as we explore the features, capabilities, and real-world advantages that LATER has in store for your business.


Rob Den

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