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Svelte Store - Part 2

This is the part 1-> and let's discuss more about Svelte Stores. To get the value of the store variable once, you can use the get() function exported by svelte/store: import { writable, get } from 'svelte/store' export const username = writable('Guest') get(username) //'Guest'


Shalini Chauhan

Best SaaS Product for Team Collaboration: Trello Vs Slack Vs

Looking to level up your teamwork game and find the perfect SaaS product for seamless coordination? Well, grab your coffee, get comfy, and prepare for a wild ride as we delve into the battle of Trello vs. Slack vs.! Picture this: you and your team are on a mission to conquer projects, slay deadlines, and high-five each other in victory.


Rob Den

Data Definition Language (DDL)

Today we will discuss more about DDL commands- a. CREATE It is used to create a new table in the database. Syntax: 1. CREATE TABLE TABLE_NAME (COLUMN_NAME DATATYPES[,....]); Example: 1. CREATE TABLE EMPLOYEE(Name VARCHAR2(20), Email VARCHAR2(100), DOB DATE); b. DROP TABLE Example 1. DROP TABLE EMPLOYEE;


Shalini Chauhan

Exploring and Experimenting with AI (Part-5)

Cohesive AI - Unacademy ChatGPT competitor for content creation. Are you tired of struggling with ChatGPT prompts? Cohesive AI is an innovative platform that assists in content creation by streamlining the process and enhancing productivity. It offers handpicked curated templates to produce high-quality content more efficiently.


Chetna Grover


Everything in JS happens inside the execution context. Imagine a sealed off container inside which JS runs. It is an abstract concept that hold info about the env. within the current code is being executed. In the container, the first component is memory component and second component is code component.


Shalini Chauhan

Design is not just about aesthetics, it's about functionality, usability, and UX.

Dieter Rams, one of the most influential designers of the 20th century, outlined 10 principles of good design that are still relevant today. ✅ Good design is innovative. ✅Good design makes a product useful. ✅Good design is aesthetic.


Chetna Grover


If your software applications can interact with each other smoothly and flawlessly, nobody but API or Application Programming Security is to be thanked. It is a foundational part of our modern software patterns, which include software patterns like microservices architectures.


Amit Kumar

Exploring and Experimenting with AI (Part-2)

AutoDraw - AI Drawing Tool AutoDraw by Google is an AI-powered drawing tool that uses machine learning to recognize and suggest shapes and lines as you draw. It is designed to help users create drawings quickly and easily, even if they have little drawing experience or skill.


Chetna Grover

The Dotcom Bubble:

What was the dotcom bubble? The dotcom bubble, also known as the Internet bubble, was a rapid rise in U.S. technology stock equity valuations fueled by investments in Internet-based companies during the bull market in the late 1990s. The value of equity markets grew exponentially during the dotcom bubble.


Sailesh Verma

Django: Displaying Data

Hello everyone, So in the last post, we discussed working with Django Models and data. Today we will discuss displaying this data with proper templates, as already discussed in Django Basics, templates are used to display data in Django. Django Prepare Template Create Template: After creating Models, with fields and data we want in them, it's time to display that data. We will start by creating an HTML file named all_members.html and place it in the /templates/ folder. my_tennis_club/members/templates/all_members.html: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <h1>Members</h1> <ul> {% for x in mymembers %} <li>{{ x.firstname }} {{ x.lastname }}</li> {% endfor %} </ul> </body> </html> The {% %} brackets inside the HTML document are Django tags, which tell Django to perform programming logic inside. We will learn about them in detail in some upcoming posts.


Manvi Sharma

Machine Learning Integration in Label Studio projects

After learning about labelling and annotating data, we will now set up a machine learning with Label Studio. You can read about Labelling and annotations here. Label Studio is a versatile platform that simplifies the data annotation process and facilitates seamless integration with machine learning models.


Manvi Sharma

Physics in unity!!!!

After acquainting the basic working of unity components, let us now add some physics or reality to unity components. We will add a new 3D object, i.e., a sphere to our scene tab and position it above the cube. In real life, the sphere would fall on the cube since gravitational forces will act on it.


Manvi Sharma

ENIAC : The First Electronic Computer

ENIAC, in full Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer, the first programmable general-purpose electronic digital computer. It was designed and invented by John Presper Eckert and John Mauchly at the University of Pennsylvania to calculate artillery firing tables for the US Army's Ballistic Research Laboratory.


Sailesh Verma


Next.js is one React framework to provides a common structure that allows you to easily build a frontend React application, and transparently handles server-side rendering for you. React is awesome until you realize that there are a couple problems related to rendering all the content on the client-side. Some of the problems are -


Shalini Chauhan

Opt2 - Intro to optimization in deep learning:

Loss Function For the purpose of simplicity, let's pretend that our network contains just two parameters. In reality, this number would be close to a billion, but for the sake of keeping things simple and preventing mental overload, we'll use the two parameter example throughout the piece.


Yash Sharma

What Is Containerization?

A container is a lightweight, portable computing environment with all the necessary files to run independently. Containerization is the process of making an application runnable as a container. Once the application can run as a container, it runs the same regardless of the infrastructure used to execute the container.


Amit Kumar


Hello everyone, Today we will discuss Capacitors What is Capacitor? Capacitor is a free and open-source (MIT-licensed) platform that enables web developers to build cross-platform apps with standard web technology that runs in modern browsers. Capacitor consists of native platform SDKs (iOS and Android), a command line tool, a plugin API, and pre-made plugins.


Manvi Sharma

TermScout in 2023: Worth it or not?

Have you ever wished for a tool that could unravel the complexities of B2B contracts and empower your business with critical insights? In one sentence, TermScout is precisely that tool. In this blog, we embark on a journey to uncover the immense potential of TermScout in the realm of B2B operations in 2023. We will explore its unique features, delve into practical use cases, and provide a structured evaluation matrix. By the end of this journey, you'll be equipped with the knowledge needed to make an informed decision.


Rob Den

Tools in Scenes Tab

As already mentioned, on clicking on any axis of a game object, it turns to yellow color. Once turned to yellow we can use it to move along that axis. The position where the x, y, and z-axis meet is called Pivot, and if the position along the x, y, and z-axis of a game object is 0, then that is called universalizing position inside unity.


Manvi Sharma

Fileread AI for B2B: A Comprehensive Guide

Have you ever wondered how to analyze legal documents faster and easier? If you are a B2B marketer, you know how important it is to understand the contracts, agreements, and regulations that affect your business. However, reading and interpreting legal data can be time-consuming, tedious, and error-prone. That’s why you need Fileread AI, a cutting-edge solution that uses large language models to help you handle complex and voluminous legal data in a snap.


Rob Den

Principles of UX Design Psychology (Part 5)

The Principle of Identity: Every person needs to feel like they belong, have a sense of identity, and know who they are. People personalize their smartphones to feel distinctive, which explains why wallpaper-related applications and websites are so well-liked.


Chetna Grover

Psychology - A helping hand for designers

•The outcome of the work can be even more positive if a designer applies psychology in the creative process since science gives an intimate understanding of the audience. •Psychology knowledge helps to create the design which will make users perform the expected actions, such as making a purchase or contacting the team.


Chetna Grover

Parent and Child Game Objects in Unity!!!

In unity, we can make a game object child to another object by dragging one above the other in the hierarchy tab. It will then collapse the child within the parent, also move the parent it will carry the child with it, meaning that the child is scaled with the parent, whereas the child is free to move independently.


Manvi Sharma

How to Parse JSON in Dart/Flutter

Parsing JSON is a very common task for apps that need to fetch data from the Internet. And depending on how much JSON data you need to process, you have two options: write all the JSON parsing code manually automate the process with code generation Encoding and Decoding JSON When a JSON response is sent over the network, the entire payload is encoded as a string. But inside our Flutter apps, we don't want to extract the data from a string manually:


Shalini Chauhan

Unmasking Content Topics: The Power of Deep Learning

In the digital era where billions of text data are generated every minute, categorizing and understanding the information has become a crucial task. This post delves into how deep learning, a subfield of artificial intelligence (AI), can be employed to identify the topics of a content piece.


Yash Sharma

What are React server components?

React Server Components allows the server and the client to collaborate in rendering your React application. Here’s a quick illustration from the React team, showing what the end goal is: a React tree, where the orange components rendered on the server, and blue components are rendered on the client.


Shalini Chauhan

How to work with Lifecycle Events in Svelte-

This is the part1 of Lifecycle Events- and today I will discussing more about Lifecycle Events. Here’s a sample usage of onMount: <script> import { onMount } from 'svelte' onMount(async () => { //do something on mount }) </script>


Shalini Chauhan

What is DHT(Distributed Hash table)?

Suppose you want to store your data where you can easily perform search, read, and write operations. The most efficient way would be to store them as key-value pairs as a map. While maps will be quick in performing all such operations, they have one limitation: they are only stored locally on a single computer.


Manvi Sharma

Functions in TYPESCRIPT-

For the most part functions in TS work just as functions in Javascript do with the obvious difference being that you can specify argument and return types. Here's a named function with it's argument and return types specified. function subtract(x: number, y: number): number { return x - y; }


Shalini Chauhan

Exploring and Experimenting with AI (Part-6)

Leonardo AI - Create stunning visual assets with AI. It is a website that offers a creative AI image generator with a specific focus on generating game assets such as textures, objects, and concept art. It provides access to the image generator through the Leonardo dashboard on their main website, and the best part is that it is completely free to use.


Chetna Grover

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