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TypeOrm (Part2)

Today we will start with TypeORM setup from scratch. Part1: Create a model Working with the database, starts with creating tables, and in TypeORM, we create tables through models. Eg: A Photo Model export class Photo { id: number name: string description: string filename: string views: number isPublished: boolean } But all models do not create database tables only those we define as entities.


Manvi Sharma

Fileread AI for B2B: A Comprehensive Guide

Have you ever wondered how to analyze legal documents faster and easier? If you are a B2B marketer, you know how important it is to understand the contracts, agreements, and regulations that affect your business. However, reading and interpreting legal data can be time-consuming, tedious, and error-prone. That’s why you need Fileread AI, a cutting-edge solution that uses large language models to help you handle complex and voluminous legal data in a snap.


Rob Den

What Is Containerization?

A container is a lightweight, portable computing environment with all the necessary files to run independently. Containerization is the process of making an application runnable as a container. Once the application can run as a container, it runs the same regardless of the infrastructure used to execute the container.


Amit Kumar

Intro to TensorFlow:

A complete open source machine learning platform is called TensorFlow. The class concentrates on using a specific TensorFlow API to create and train machine learning models, despite the fact that TensorFlow is a robust system for managing all parts of a machine learning system.


Yash Sharma

Async Programming In Flutter

Why asynchronous code matters ? Asynchronous operations let your program complete work while waiting for another operation to finish. Here are some common asynchronous operations 1. Fetching data over a network. 2. Writing to a database. 3. Reading data from a file.


Sailesh Verma

Updating server data using the useMutation hook-

React Query needs a function that will return a promise, and in this section of the article we will be looking at how to make a post request. For the past posts, we have focused on the data fetching aspect of React Query. Now we will focus on data posting: sending data from your application to the backend. Let’s see how simple this is with React Query.


Shalini Chauhan

What is Neo4j?

Neo4j is an open-source, NoSQL, native graph database that provides an ACID-compliant transactional backend for your applications that has been publicly available since 2007. Neo4j is offered as a managed service via AuraDB. Neo4j is written in Java and Scala, and the source code is available on GitHub.


Sailesh Verma

Stateful vs Stateless Widget:

A Stateless widget is the widget that cannot change its state during the runtime of a Flutter application. That means a stateless widget cannot be redrawn while the app is in action. For that reason, the appearance and properties remain unchanged throughout the lifetime of the widget.


Sailesh Verma

Top Animation Packages for Your Flutter Project:

1.SPINKIT The SpinKit package contains a set of animated loading indicators for use in your projects. Pub link: Github: INSTALLATION dependencies: flutter_spinkit: “<latest_version>”


Sailesh Verma

Best Team Management Platform in 2023: SalaryBox vs Workhuman

Are you tired of the chaos that comes with team management in the fast-paced business world? Well! Look no further! I am here to solve this problem of yours today. Welcome to the world of SaaS products, where streamlined efficiency and seamless collaboration become your new reality.


Rob Den

Event Forwarding-

We already discussed, When we fire the event only the parent component receives it. It'll not go to hierarchy itself. However, sometimes, we need the events to be used by other parent components. We need to nest the events further up in hierarchy. Create a new file FirstEventComponent.svelte, modify the button with the below code.


Shalini Chauhan

Centrifugo(Highlights and Integration)

Hello everyone, In the last post, we discussed the basics of Centrifugo and created the simplest real-time app. In this post, we will discuss the main highlights of Centrifugo. In addition to its fundamental publish-subscribe (PUB/SUB) capabilities, Centrifugo offers a range of advanced features and building blocks to construct highly scalable real-time applications. Let's discuss main highlights and features which we will use going further. Seamless Integration Centrifugo was initially crafted to seamlessly integrate with frameworks lacking native concurrency support, such as Django, Laravel, and others.


Manvi Sharma

Principles of UX Design Psychology (Part 3)

The principle of socialization: The principle of socialization Humans are social beings, and this has also translated into our use of technology. Nowadays we rely on technology for social interactions more than ever before, and this aspect of life should be reflected in our designs.


Chetna Grover

I would now like to finally highlight the game panel in unity. It is the same screen that we will see on our mobile screen or any such game. It is the output of our app.

It shows us the view covered between the conical lines coming out of the camera. We can also see the game and scene panel simultaneously, by changing the layout of our interface


Manvi Sharma

Design is not just about aesthetics, it's about functionality, usability, and UX.

Dieter Rams, one of the most influential designers of the 20th century, outlined 10 principles of good design that are still relevant today. ✅ Good design is innovative. ✅Good design makes a product useful. ✅Good design is aesthetic.


Chetna Grover


If your software applications can interact with each other smoothly and flawlessly, nobody but API or Application Programming Security is to be thanked. It is a foundational part of our modern software patterns, which include software patterns like microservices architectures.


Amit Kumar

The Complete Guide to System Design

Why should I learn system design? Over the last two decades, there have been a lot of advancements in large-scale web applications. These advancements have redefined the way we think about software development. All of the apps and services that we use daily, like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, are scalable systems.


Amit Kumar

ENIAC : The First Electronic Computer

ENIAC, in full Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer, the first programmable general-purpose electronic digital computer. It was designed and invented by John Presper Eckert and John Mauchly at the University of Pennsylvania to calculate artillery firing tables for the US Army's Ballistic Research Laboratory.


Sailesh Verma

Docker: Managing data with Volumes (Part 1)

Hello everyone, In the last post, we learned to perform various operations with containers and images. In this post, we will explore volumes, which are like state management for running applications with docker. We will discuss different kinds of data we encounter while working with docker. We will learn about different kinds of volumes, and explore anonymous and named volumes in detail by discussing their implementation in a node server application. We will create these volumes in our system.


Manvi Sharma

Ontra vs. Clawdia: Which is better?

Are you torn between Ontra and Clawdia, grappling with the decision on which SaaS tool is the ideal fit for your B2B needs? Both Ontra and Clawdia are top B2B software, each offering distinct strengths and functionalities. In this blog, we will unravel the features and drawbacks of both platforms, enabling you to make an informed choice.


Rob Den

FlutterGen Code Generator

While working with flutter, to load assets in your Flutter app, you have to reference the asset using path strings, which is not safe. As a Flutter developer, you have no choice but to refer to them using strings directly in your code. Working with images, for instance, is not easy because you have to refer to them by their path string. FlutterGen, a Flutter code generator for your assets that help remove all string-based APIs in your app.


Sailesh Verma

Psychology - A helping hand for designers

•The outcome of the work can be even more positive if a designer applies psychology in the creative process since science gives an intimate understanding of the audience. •Psychology knowledge helps to create the design which will make users perform the expected actions, such as making a purchase or contacting the team.


Chetna Grover


Centrifugo stands as an open-source and highly scalable real-time messaging server. It excels at swiftly transmitting messages to users of an application who are connected through various supported communication channels, including WebSocket, HTTP-streaming, SSE/EventSource, WebTransport, GRPC, and SockJS. One of Centrifugo's defining features is its utilization of channels, making it an essential user-centric PUB/SUB (publish-subscribe) server. Centrifugo is a versatile solution that transcends programming languages, making it suitable for creating an array of applications, including chat apps, live commenting systems, multiplayer games, real-time data visualizations, collaborative tools, and more.


Manvi Sharma

What is Proxy Server?

A forward proxy, often called a proxy, proxy server, or web proxy, is a server that sits in front of a group of client machines. When those computers make requests to sites and services on the Internet, the proxy server intercepts those requests and then communicates with web servers on behalf of those clients, like a middleman.


Sailesh Verma

Label Studio: Simplifying Data Annotation for Machine Learning

Introduction: In the world of machine learning, data annotation plays a crucial role in training models to perform various tasks accurately. The process of data annotation involves labelling or tagging data, such as images, text, or audio, with relevant information to provide ground truth for machine learning algorithms.


Manvi Sharma

Using Label Studio to label and annotate data for ML integration

Today we will discuss one of the important features of Label Studio which is labelling and annotating data. Before we start you can briefly read about Label Studio here. When you’re creating a project, you can save your progress at any time. You don’t need to import your data and set up the labelling interface all at the same time, but you can.


Manvi Sharma

DevOps Automation

Automation is the crucial need for DevOps practices, and automate everything is the fundamental principle of DevOps. Automation kick starts from the code generation on the developers machine, until the code is pushed to the code and after that to monitor the application and system in the production.


Amit Kumar

Modern Databases Paradigms

1. PlanetScale PlanetScale is a MySQL-compatible serverless database that brings you scale, performance, and reliability — without sacrificing developer experience. With PlanetScale, you get the power of horizontal sharding, non-blocking schema changes, and many more powerful database features without the pain of implementing them.


Sailesh Verma

Is useEffect a bad place to make API calls.

The design choices made my react team in useEffect hook are still a heated debate. Some people like it and some people don’t. If you are not from react world you might find it strange that the default behaviour of useEffect is dreaded Infinite Render Loop.


Manvi Sharma

Physics in unity!!!!

After acquainting the basic working of unity components, let us now add some physics or reality to unity components. We will add a new 3D object, i.e., a sphere to our scene tab and position it above the cube. In real life, the sphere would fall on the cube since gravitational forces will act on it.


Manvi Sharma

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