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What are React server components?

React Server Components allows the server and the client to collaborate in rendering your React application. Here’s a quick illustration from the React team, showing what the end goal is: a React tree, where the orange components rendered on the server, and blue components are rendered on the client.


Shalini Chauhan

Docker Images and Containers:- The core building blocks

Hello everyone, In the last post, we discussed the basic overview of Docker. In this post, we will dive deeper, install and setup Docker in our system, and use it in a small demo application to understand the core building blocks of Docker:- Images and Containers.


Manvi Sharma

Customising Frontend and Templates in Label Studio Projects

You can learn an introduction about label studio here. Today we will continue with customising UI and templates in label studio projects. Customizing the user interface (UI) for different sections of Label Studio involves employing various methods because different parts of the UI exist as separate packages.


Manvi Sharma


A standard language for storing, manipulating, and retrieving data in databases. It stands for Structured Query Language. It became a standard of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) in 1986 and of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in 1987. Today we will discuss basic fundamentals and statements in SQL.


Manvi Sharma

What is ChatGPT ?

So, ChatGPT has been the latest vibrant on the Internet , here in this post I will be discussing more about it. ChatGPT is a natural language processing tool driven by AI technology that allows you to have human-like conversations and much more than a chatbot. ChatGPT was launched as a prototype on 30th November 2022, developed by OpenAI.


Sailesh Verma


In my previous post I have discussed what is BLoC & its uses. In this post we will be looking at Cubit of BLoC. Cubit is the subset of BLoC, a stream component that uses functions to communicate interactions from widgets to the cubit and a stream that widgets consume for which state changes are emitted.


Sailesh Verma

In my previous post I have discussed State Management in Flutter. In this post I will be discussing what BLoC is & why it is used.

While building an application as a developer we want to know what state our application is in at every point and to record every single user interaction in our application so BLoC was designed to handle all these requirements.


Sailesh Verma

What is ALGOL programming language ?

ALGOL is an acronym that stands for "ALGOrithmic Language" is a family of imperative computer programming languages originally developed in 1958. ALGOL heavily influenced many other languages and was the standard method for algorithm description used by the Association for Computing Machinery. .


Sailesh Verma

Best SaaS Product for Team Collaboration: Trello Vs Slack Vs

Looking to level up your teamwork game and find the perfect SaaS product for seamless coordination? Well, grab your coffee, get comfy, and prepare for a wild ride as we delve into the battle of Trello vs. Slack vs.! Picture this: you and your team are on a mission to conquer projects, slay deadlines, and high-five each other in victory.


Rob Den


Centrifugo stands as an open-source and highly scalable real-time messaging server. It excels at swiftly transmitting messages to users of an application who are connected through various supported communication channels, including WebSocket, HTTP-streaming, SSE/EventSource, WebTransport, GRPC, and SockJS. One of Centrifugo's defining features is its utilization of channels, making it an essential user-centric PUB/SUB (publish-subscribe) server. Centrifugo is a versatile solution that transcends programming languages, making it suitable for creating an array of applications, including chat apps, live commenting systems, multiplayer games, real-time data visualizations, collaborative tools, and more.


Manvi Sharma

Have you ever heard of svelte?

Many technologies and frameworks are available for developing user interfaces. Svelte is a new approach to building user interfaces. Traditional frameworks like React and Vue do the bulk of their work in the browser, Svelte shifts that work into a compile step that happens when you build your app.


Harshik Pulavarthy

Scry Vs Laminar: Which is better?

Are you concerned about your business’s security? Do you need a SaaS product to help you get rid of security problems? Well! I know it is indeed a big concern in these times. But wait! I have something today. This blog is all you need to say goodbye to your concerns! Trust me! Get ready for a showdown like no other as these two powerful contenders battle it out for the title of the best B2B platform.


Rob Den

60-30-10 color rule - Optimal proportion for achieving balance

The 60% is usually neutral or primary. This portion will be used as the base color of the design. 30% is the secondary color. It is still visible and will be used for some components 10% is the accent color. This portion will be used for highlighting the design. For example, the CTA button


Chetna Grover

How To Start Every Full-Stack Project(Part 2)

React Frontend+ NodeJs + Express + Heroku Deployment Hi everyone , We are discussing a full stack boilerplate setup using the above mentioned stack. This post is a continuation from, where we have already discussed the basic github, backend setup and code, and frontend setup.


Manvi Sharma

Is useEffect a bad place to make API calls.

The design choices made my react team in useEffect hook are still a heated debate. Some people like it and some people don’t. If you are not from react world you might find it strange that the default behaviour of useEffect is dreaded Infinite Render Loop.


Manvi Sharma

Sprout Social vs. Later: Which is Better for Branding in 2023?

Wondering which social media management tool will elevate your branding game this year? Well! Picking the right tool matters. By this, you can enhance your brand effectively. So, dear readers, Meet Sprout Social first. It gives data-driven insights, and competitive analysis that will help you in multiple ways. Plus, it nurtures client relationships seamlessly. Now, let's talk about Later. Its visual storytelling expertise awaits you.


Rob Den

Basics: Django

Django, a Python framework, streamlines web development by handling complex tasks, enabling developers to focus on crafting web applications. Emphasizing component reusability (DRY principle), Django offers out-of-the-box features like a login system, database connectivity, and CRUD operations (Create Read Update Delete). Operational Mechanism of Django: Django adheres to the MVT design pattern (Model View Template). Model: Represents data, typically sourced from a database. Django employs Object-Relational Mapping (ORM), simplifying database interaction. Unlike SQL, which necessitates database knowledge, ORM allows streamlined communication without intricate SQL coding.


Manvi Sharma

Buildt - AI tool for engineers who work with large codebases.

Are you a developer who works with large codebases ? You are tired of searching for any function without knowing it's name or you want to check where the code is written for particular task. Ever wondered if there is any ai tool that helps you understanding the code.


Harshik Pulavarthy

Strengthening Your B2B Brand Identity with SaaS

Ever wondered about the true power of strong brand identity in the world of B2B? It's that unmistakable mark that can make your business stand out in a sea of options. This can foster trust and make you memorable. But hey, what happens when that identity isn't as robust as it could be? Join me on an insightful journey as we zoom in on the challenges that a weak brand identity can bring to your B2B game. We're going to explore how it can shake things up in your business relationships.


Rob Den

Why is creating pages important in React?

Before we dive into how this works, it’s important to understand where page creation helps and what it’s solving. A basic React application that doesn’t use a framework like Next.js works by mounting to an entrypoint in an HTML document (DOM node), where it then uses JavaScript to load all of the dynamic parts of the page.


Shalini Chauhan

Let's understand the basic working of Augmented Reality Systems

AR systems come in a variety of shapes and sizes, but in order to gain an understanding of how AR works in general, it is valuable to examine a typical system. All AR systems have some common elements, and I would like to elaborate, how AR works at a fairly high level.


Manvi Sharma


If your software applications can interact with each other smoothly and flawlessly, nobody but API or Application Programming Security is to be thanked. It is a foundational part of our modern software patterns, which include software patterns like microservices architectures.


Amit Kumar

What is CDN?

Content delivery network (CDN) refers to a geographically distributed group of servers which work together to provide fast delivery of Internet content. It allows for the quick transfer of assets needed for loading Internet content including HTML pages, javascript files, stylesheets, images, and videos.


Sailesh Verma

TypeOrm (Part2)

Today we will start with TypeORM setup from scratch. Part1: Create a model Working with the database, starts with creating tables, and in TypeORM, we create tables through models. Eg: A Photo Model export class Photo { id: number name: string description: string filename: string views: number isPublished: boolean } But all models do not create database tables only those we define as entities.


Manvi Sharma

Fraud Detection

The bulk of eCommerce businesses prioritise growing their clientele and revenue. Businesses want their websites to be successful so they may accomplish their objectives. Efficiency won't be able to save the company if the organisation can't provide security.



Useful Flutter packages:

url_launcher: Sometimes your application requires you to provide an external url that links to a website. Or you need to provide an email address or even a phone number in the contact form, to reach the support. For all these external links, it would be nice to open them directly through the app.


Sailesh Verma

Svelte Readable Stores

Readable stores are special because they can't be updated from the outside - there's no set() or update() method. Instead, once you set the initial state, they can't be modified from the outside. The official Svelte docs show an interesting example using a timer to update a date.


Shalini Chauhan

Using Svelte stores-

Svelte stores are a great tool to handle your app state when components need to talk to each other without passing props around too much. You must first import writable from svelte/store: import { writable } from 'svelte/store' and create a store variable using the writable() function, passing the default value as the first argument:


Shalini Chauhan

State Management in Flutter Using Riverpod

Riverpod is a provider-based library that aids in predicting and effectively managing the state of your Flutter application. It is compile-safe since all providers are declared globally and can be accessed anywhere. This means that you can create providers to hold your application state and business logic outside the widget tree. makes it easier to only rebuild your providers and widgets when needed.


Sailesh Verma

What is initState() In Flutter?

In this post we will go through the initState method of the flutter initState() This is the first method called when the widget is created ,initState is called once and only once when the Stateful Widget is inserted in the widget tree. We generally override this method if we need to do some sort of initialization work .


Sailesh Verma

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