2. The headset incorporates facial scanning technology to generate a lifelike 3D avatar of yourself, creating an extraordinary experience similar to science fiction films. | Chetna Grover


Will Apple AR Headset Revolutionize Tech Usage? πŸš€

Apple has officially unveiled its AR Headset, and it boasts three standout features:


1. It offers the ability to fully immerse yourself in various entertainment experiences by transforming your surroundings, allowing you to enjoy games, movies, and TV shows in a highly immersive manner.

2. The headset incorporates facial scanning technology to generate a lifelike 3D avatar of yourself, creating an extraordinary experience similar to science fiction films.

3. It enables the viewing of 3D Live Photos within a three-dimensional space, creating the sensation of traveling through time.

The anticipated price for the headset, set to launch early next year, is $3,499 in the United States, equivalent to approximately INR 2.8 lakhs in India😲.

Share your thoughts on how this game-changing headset will transform technology usage in the comments. Let's unlock the potential together! πŸ’‘βœ¨