Google Bard~ | Sailesh Verma


Sailesh Verma
Apr 21, 2023

Google Bard~

Bard is a generative AI chatbot powered by LaMDA. Google has just released Bard, its answer to ChatGPT, and users are getting to know it to see how it compares to OpenAI’s artificial intelligence-powered chatbot.

The name ‘Bard’ is purely marketing-driven, as there are no algorithms named Bard, but we do know that the chatbot is powered by LaMDA.


What Is Google Bard?

Bard is an experimental Google chatbot that is powered by the LaMDA large language model.

It’s a generative AI that accepts prompts and performs text-based tasks like providing answers and summaries and creating various forms of content.

How Does Google Bard Work?

Bard is powered by a “lightweight” version of LaMDA.

LaMDA is a large language model that is trained on datasets consisting of public dialogue and web data.

There are two important factors related to the training

A. Safety: The model achieves a level of safety by tuning it with data that was annotated by crowd workers.

B. Groundedness: LaMDA grounds itself factually with external knowledge sources (through information retrieval, which is search).

Google used three metrics to evaluate the LaMDA outputs:

Sensibleness: A measurement of whether an answer makes sense or not.

Specificity: Measures if the answer is the opposite of generic/vague or contextually specific.

Interestingness: This metric measures if LaMDA’s answers are insightful or inspire curiosity.

How Is Google Planning To Use Bard In Search?

The future of Bard is currently envisioned as a feature in search. Google’s announcement in February was insufficiently specific on how Bard would be implemented.

The key details were buried in a single paragraph close to the end of the blog announcement of Bard, where it was described as an AI feature in search.

Google’s February 2023 announcement of Bard states that Google will at some point integrate AI features into search

Google Bard Fail's At First Demo:

Google’s “Bard” failed spectacularly very first demo by providing false information about James Web Space Telescope. A mistake that caused parent company Alphabet’s stock value drop by more than 7%.

Meanwhile,first picture of Exoplanets was taken by VLT in 2004

On the other hand ChatGPT surprisingly think that,it was Hubble telescope that took first picture of exo planets outside of solar system in 1995 which is ten years before NASA records.