Exploring and Experimenting with AI (Part-5) | Chetna Grover


Exploring and Experimenting with AI (Part-5)

Cohesive AI - Unacademy ChatGPT competitor for content creation.

Are you tired of struggling with ChatGPT prompts? Cohesive AI is an innovative platform that assists in content creation by streamlining the process and enhancing productivity. It offers handpicked curated templates to produce high-quality content more efficiently.


Here's what you need to know:

1. Curated Templates: Cohesive AI offers handpicked templates for various content types, saving time and providing structure for high-quality output.


2. Real-time Collaboration: Users can collaborate simultaneously, making edits and providing feedback in real time, enhancing teamwork and eliminating communication delays.


Is it a ChatGPT replacement?

If you ask me, I believe NO, but yes it does make the content creation part easy with curated templates and produces high-quality content faster.

Check out what Cohesive can do for a variety of your needs here at https://cohesive.so/