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Docker: Managing data with Volumes (Part 1)

Hello everyone, In the last post, we learned to perform various operations with containers and images. In this post, we will explore volumes, which are like state management for running applications with docker. We will discuss different kinds of data we encounter while working with docker. We will learn about different kinds of volumes, and explore anonymous and named volumes in detail by discussing their implementation in a node server application. We will create these volumes in our system.


Manvi Sharma

Unmasking Content Topics: The Power of Deep Learning

In the digital era where billions of text data are generated every minute, categorizing and understanding the information has become a crucial task. This post delves into how deep learning, a subfield of artificial intelligence (AI), can be employed to identify the topics of a content piece.


Yash Sharma

How to remove unnecessary Effects

There are two common cases in which you don’t need Effects: You don’t need Effects to transform data for rendering. For example, let’s say you want to filter a list before displaying it. You might feel tempted to write an Effect that updates a state variable when the list changes. However, this is inefficient.


Shalini Chauhan

What Are Mental Models and How Are They Used in UX Design?

Think about the first thing you do when you pick up a new mobile phone or click on a new website. Do you have an expectation when you swipe across the mobile screen or scan the navigation at the top of the webpage for the first time? If you answered yes, you have a mental model of how those user interfaces work.



Data Manipulation Language-

o DML commands are used to modify the database. It is responsible for all form of changes in the database. o The command of DML is not auto-committed that means it can't permanently save all the changes in the database. They can be rollback. Here are some commands that come under DML: INSERT o UPDATE o DELETE


Shalini Chauhan

What are Widgets in Flutter?

Widget in Flutter is an immutable description of a part of the user interface. Flutter uses widgets to describe reusable building blocks in the user interface. Widget in Flutter is a much broader concept. Common components like buttons and form inputs are widgets, layout constraints are also expressed as widgets in Flutter.


Sailesh Verma

Tools in Scenes Tab

As already mentioned, on clicking on any axis of a game object, it turns to yellow color. Once turned to yellow we can use it to move along that axis. The position where the x, y, and z-axis meet is called Pivot, and if the position along the x, y, and z-axis of a game object is 0, then that is called universalizing position inside unity.


Manvi Sharma

B2B Accounting with MindBridge: A Comprehensive Exploration

Are you ready to revolutionize your B2B accounting processes, enhance efficiency, and uncover hidden opportunities? In the fast-paced world of modern business, having the right software at your disposal can make all the difference. Enter MindBridge, an advanced accounting tool designed to meet the unique needs of B2B enterprises. In this blog, we will delve into the world of MindBridge, exploring its distinctive features and how they can transform your accounting practices.


Rob Den

What is ChatGPT ?

So, ChatGPT has been the latest vibrant on the Internet , here in this post I will be discussing more about it. ChatGPT is a natural language processing tool driven by AI technology that allows you to have human-like conversations and much more than a chatbot. ChatGPT was launched as a prototype on 30th November 2022, developed by OpenAI.


Sailesh Verma

Event Modifiers-

We can modify the events in svelte using these modifiers. Following are the modifier that we can use once: remove the handler after the first time it runs. In the EventComponent.svelte, modify the button with the below code. <button on:click|once={eventClickMe}> Click Me </button>


Shalini Chauhan

Let's understand the basic working of Augmented Reality Systems

AR systems come in a variety of shapes and sizes, but in order to gain an understanding of how AR works in general, it is valuable to examine a typical system. All AR systems have some common elements, and I would like to elaborate, how AR works at a fairly high level.


Manvi Sharma

Introduction to Mongoose

Hi everyone, Today we will learn about Mongoose. An Object Data Modeling(ODM) library for Node.js and MongoDB which provides a higher-level abstraction for interacting with MongoDB, a popular NoSQL database and simplifies the process of defining and working with data models and schemas.


Manvi Sharma

What’s New In Flutter 3.3 ?

Global Selection Flutter now provides the easiness of selecting the whole data in the web apps with a single sliding gesture by wrapping your widgets with SelectableArea widget. This not only provides richer & smoother control, but also lessen take a miss in certain places.


Sailesh Verma

Navigating Legal Waters in B2B: Top 5 SaaS Products to Empower Your Journey

Are you navigating the complex and often daunting legal landscape of B2B transactions? As businesses increasingly rely on technology, the legal aspects of B2B relationships have become more intricate than ever before. From contract management to intellectual property, the legal issues that can arise in the B2B realm are numerous and potentially costly.


Rob Den

Centrifugo(Highlights and Integration)

Hello everyone, In the last post, we discussed the basics of Centrifugo and created the simplest real-time app. In this post, we will discuss the main highlights of Centrifugo. In addition to its fundamental publish-subscribe (PUB/SUB) capabilities, Centrifugo offers a range of advanced features and building blocks to construct highly scalable real-time applications. Let's discuss main highlights and features which we will use going further. Seamless Integration Centrifugo was initially crafted to seamlessly integrate with frameworks lacking native concurrency support, such as Django, Laravel, and others.


Manvi Sharma


Everything in JS happens inside the execution context. Imagine a sealed off container inside which JS runs. It is an abstract concept that hold info about the env. within the current code is being executed. In the container, the first component is memory component and second component is code component.


Shalini Chauhan

What is Neo4j?

Neo4j is an open-source, NoSQL, native graph database that provides an ACID-compliant transactional backend for your applications that has been publicly available since 2007. Neo4j is offered as a managed service via AuraDB. Neo4j is written in Java and Scala, and the source code is available on GitHub.


Sailesh Verma

In my previous post I have discussed State Management in Flutter. In this post I will be discussing what BLoC is & why it is used.

While building an application as a developer we want to know what state our application is in at every point and to record every single user interaction in our application so BLoC was designed to handle all these requirements.


Sailesh Verma

How Flutter Works Behind the Scenes:

Flutter does not redraw/recreate the entire UI on every build(){...} method call. Flutter aims to give you a 60 FPS (Frames Per Second) application. So, it updates the screen 60 times per second. It means that the screen is repainted by Flutter 60 times per second.


Sailesh Verma

Pages and Layouts in Nextjs-

When building projects with Next.js, we typically create an entire user interface by assembling isolated components. However, some parts of the interface require the same code snippets across multiple routes — for example, the navigation header, footer, and sidebar. To manage this, we use layouts to structure the interface in a way that contains shared code snippets. Next.js recommends starting a new project with the App Router. However, we’ll discuss how to implement layouts and nested layouts with the Pages Router for users who have yet to migrate to the new Next.js routing system.


Shalini Chauhan

Introduction to Domain mapping

Domain mapping is the process of associating a domain name with a website. This allows website owners to create a custom web address that is easy to remember and promotes their brand. In this post, we will discuss what domain mapping is, why it is important, and how to do it.


Amit Kumar

Introducing the useLoaderData Hook:

The useLoaderData hook is a custom hook in React that helps you load data into your component. It simplifies the process of fetching data from an API or performing any asynchronous operation. When you use the useLoaderData hook, you provide it with a function that returns a Promise. This Promise represents an asynchronous operation that will fetch the data you need. Once the Promise resolves, the data becomes available to your component.


Shalini Chauhan

Label Studio: Simplifying Data Annotation for Machine Learning

Introduction: In the world of machine learning, data annotation plays a crucial role in training models to perform various tasks accurately. The process of data annotation involves labelling or tagging data, such as images, text, or audio, with relevant information to provide ground truth for machine learning algorithms.


Manvi Sharma

Updating server data using the useMutation hook-

React Query needs a function that will return a promise, and in this section of the article we will be looking at how to make a post request. For the past posts, we have focused on the data fetching aspect of React Query. Now we will focus on data posting: sending data from your application to the backend. Let’s see how simple this is with React Query.


Shalini Chauhan

How To Start Every Full-Stack Project(Part 2)

React Frontend+ NodeJs + Express + Heroku Deployment Hi everyone , We are discussing a full stack boilerplate setup using the above mentioned stack. This post is a continuation from, where we have already discussed the basic github, backend setup and code, and frontend setup.


Manvi Sharma

Why is creating pages important in React?

Before we dive into how this works, it’s important to understand where page creation helps and what it’s solving. A basic React application that doesn’t use a framework like Next.js works by mounting to an entrypoint in an HTML document (DOM node), where it then uses JavaScript to load all of the dynamic parts of the page.


Shalini Chauhan

React useContext Hook and React useReducer Hook

There are multiple ways for managing state in react, depending upon our requirement we can switch to any libraries, or hooks. React is compatible with many state management libraries like redux, MobX etc. But React also provide it's own hooks for managing state.


Manvi Sharma

Must've Figma Plugins as a UI/UX Designer

Plugins play a crucial role in enhancing Figma's capabilities. These allow designers to customize according to their specific needs and preferences. With the help of plugins, we can automate mundane and time-consuming tasks. This encourages an innovative atmosphere in which designers can push the limits of what is possible inside the Figma ecosystem.


Sneha Grover

Exploring and Experimenting with AI (Part-6)

Leonardo AI - Create stunning visual assets with AI. It is a website that offers a creative AI image generator with a specific focus on generating game assets such as textures, objects, and concept art. It provides access to the image generator through the Leonardo dashboard on their main website, and the best part is that it is completely free to use.


Chetna Grover

Event Forwarding-

We already discussed, When we fire the event only the parent component receives it. It'll not go to hierarchy itself. However, sometimes, we need the events to be used by other parent components. We need to nest the events further up in hierarchy. Create a new file FirstEventComponent.svelte, modify the button with the below code.


Shalini Chauhan

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