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ENIAC : The First Electronic Computer

ENIAC, in full Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer, the first programmable general-purpose electronic digital computer. It was designed and invented by John Presper Eckert and John Mauchly at the University of Pennsylvania to calculate artillery firing tables for the US Army's Ballistic Research Laboratory.


Sailesh Verma

Docker Images and Containers:- The core building blocks

Hello everyone, In the last post, we discussed the basic overview of Docker. In this post, we will dive deeper, install and setup Docker in our system, and use it in a small demo application to understand the core building blocks of Docker:- Images and Containers.


Manvi Sharma

Sprout Social vs. Later: Which is Better for Branding in 2023?

Wondering which social media management tool will elevate your branding game this year? Well! Picking the right tool matters. By this, you can enhance your brand effectively. So, dear readers, Meet Sprout Social first. It gives data-driven insights, and competitive analysis that will help you in multiple ways. Plus, it nurtures client relationships seamlessly. Now, let's talk about Later. Its visual storytelling expertise awaits you.


Rob Den

Introduction to Domain mapping

Domain mapping is the process of associating a domain name with a website. This allows website owners to create a custom web address that is easy to remember and promotes their brand. In this post, we will discuss what domain mapping is, why it is important, and how to do it.


Amit Kumar

Have you ever heard of svelte?

Many technologies and frameworks are available for developing user interfaces. Svelte is a new approach to building user interfaces. Traditional frameworks like React and Vue do the bulk of their work in the browser, Svelte shifts that work into a compile step that happens when you build your app.


Harshik Pulavarthy

I would now like to finally highlight the game panel in unity. It is the same screen that we will see on our mobile screen or any such game. It is the output of our app.

It shows us the view covered between the conical lines coming out of the camera. We can also see the game and scene panel simultaneously, by changing the layout of our interface


Manvi Sharma

What are React server components?

React Server Components allows the server and the client to collaborate in rendering your React application. Here’s a quick illustration from the React team, showing what the end goal is: a React tree, where the orange components rendered on the server, and blue components are rendered on the client.


Shalini Chauhan

DevOps Principles

The main principles of DevOps are Continuous delivery, automation, and fast reaction to the feedback. End to End Responsibility: DevOps team need to provide performance support until they become the end of life. It enhances the responsibility and the quality of the products engineered.


Amit Kumar

TypeOrm (Part2)

Today we will start with TypeORM setup from scratch. Part1: Create a model Working with the database, starts with creating tables, and in TypeORM, we create tables through models. Eg: A Photo Model export class Photo { id: number name: string description: string filename: string views: number isPublished: boolean } But all models do not create database tables only those we define as entities.


Manvi Sharma

What are Widgets in Flutter?

Widget in Flutter is an immutable description of a part of the user interface. Flutter uses widgets to describe reusable building blocks in the user interface. Widget in Flutter is a much broader concept. Common components like buttons and form inputs are widgets, layout constraints are also expressed as widgets in Flutter.


Sailesh Verma

Event Forwarding-

We already discussed, When we fire the event only the parent component receives it. It'll not go to hierarchy itself. However, sometimes, we need the events to be used by other parent components. We need to nest the events further up in hierarchy. Create a new file FirstEventComponent.svelte, modify the button with the below code.


Shalini Chauhan

“Promises in Svelte Templates”

Promises are an awesome tool we have at our disposal to work with asynchronous events in JavaScript. The relatively recent introduction of the await syntax made using promises even simpler. Svelte provides us the {#await} syntax in templates to directly work with promises at the template level.


Shalini Chauhan

Modern Databases Paradigms

1. PlanetScale PlanetScale is a MySQL-compatible serverless database that brings you scale, performance, and reliability — without sacrificing developer experience. With PlanetScale, you get the power of horizontal sharding, non-blocking schema changes, and many more powerful database features without the pain of implementing them.


Sailesh Verma

Fileread AI for B2B: A Comprehensive Guide

Have you ever wondered how to analyze legal documents faster and easier? If you are a B2B marketer, you know how important it is to understand the contracts, agreements, and regulations that affect your business. However, reading and interpreting legal data can be time-consuming, tedious, and error-prone. That’s why you need Fileread AI, a cutting-edge solution that uses large language models to help you handle complex and voluminous legal data in a snap.


Rob Den

Lighting, Colors, and Textures in unity!!!

If you find the components present in your scene appear to be darker, you can add some lighting by selecting Windows > Rendering > Lighting. Selecting them opens a lighting dialog where we must choose the "Generate Lighting" option. It changes the shade of game objects of a scene from darker to a lighter version.


Manvi Sharma

“Designing for Accessibility: How Indian Currency Notes Promote Inclusivity for All”

Have you ever thought about the accessibility of currency notes in your wallet? For people with disabilities, accessing financial resources can be a challenge. However, Indian currency notes are designed with accessibility and inclusivity in mind.


Chetna Grover

Data Manipulation Language-

o DML commands are used to modify the database. It is responsible for all form of changes in the database. o The command of DML is not auto-committed that means it can't permanently save all the changes in the database. They can be rollback. Here are some commands that come under DML: INSERT o UPDATE o DELETE


Shalini Chauhan

Using Label Studio to label and annotate data for ML integration

Today we will discuss one of the important features of Label Studio which is labelling and annotating data. Before we start you can briefly read about Label Studio here. When you’re creating a project, you can save your progress at any time. You don’t need to import your data and set up the labelling interface all at the same time, but you can.


Manvi Sharma

Principles of UX Design Psychology (Part 4)

The Principle of Emotional Contagion: If a person you like is laughing out loud, you will be smiling. If somebody in a very well-made movie is crying, you will feel sad. This is the psychology of UX design and of human beings, we subconsciously take over the emotions and behaviors of other people.


Chetna Grover

SQL (Part2)

Hi everyone, Today we will discuss JOINS and Unions SQL Aliases: SQL aliases give a table, or a column in a table, a temporary name. They are often used to make column names more readable. An alias only exists for the duration of that query. An alias is created with the AS keyword. SELECT column_name AS alias_name FROM table_name;


Manvi Sharma


In my previous post I have discussed what is BLoC & its uses. In this post we will be looking at Cubit of BLoC. Cubit is the subset of BLoC, a stream component that uses functions to communicate interactions from widgets to the cubit and a stream that widgets consume for which state changes are emitted.


Sailesh Verma

Exploring and Experimenting with AI (Part-4)

Quillbot AI - Summarizer Feature QuillBot Summarizer is a free tool that can generate summaries of articles or text. The device uses advanced artificial intelligence algorithms to understand the context, structure, and meaning of the content. Then it generates a summary that captures the key points and message of the original text.


Chetna Grover

Mongoose Middlewares and Hooks

Mongoose offers a powerful feature called middleware or hooks. Middleware allows us to intercept and modify various operations during the lifecycle of a Mongoose document. Understanding and effectively utilizing Mongoose middleware and hooks can significantly enhance the flexibility and functionality of your MongoDB-backed applications.


Manvi Sharma

Tools in Scenes Tab

As already mentioned, on clicking on any axis of a game object, it turns to yellow color. Once turned to yellow we can use it to move along that axis. The position where the x, y, and z-axis meet is called Pivot, and if the position along the x, y, and z-axis of a game object is 0, then that is called universalizing position inside unity.


Manvi Sharma

How To Start Every Full-Stack Project(Part 2)

React Frontend+ NodeJs + Express + Heroku Deployment Hi everyone , We are discussing a full stack boilerplate setup using the above mentioned stack. This post is a continuation from, where we have already discussed the basic github, backend setup and code, and frontend setup.


Manvi Sharma

NodeJS: Event Loop & Worker Pool

Node.js is a single-threaded application, but it can support concurrency via the concept of event and callbacks. The event loop is what allows Node.js to perform non-blocking I/O operations — despite the fact that JavaScript is single-threaded — by offloading operations to the system kernel whenever possible.


Sailesh Verma

Hello everyone,

In the last post, we discussed Django Syntax and working with QuerySets in Django. Today we will discuss about working with static files in Django. Create Static Folder When building web applications, we need to add some static files like images or css files. We will start by creating a folder named static in our project, the same place where we created the templates folder: The name of the folder has to be static. my_tennis_club my_tennis_club/ members/ templates/ static/ Add a CSS file in the static folder, with any name in the folder, myfirst.css in our case: my_tennis_club my_tennis_club/ members/ templates/ static/ myfirst.css Open the CSS file and insert the following: my_tennis_club/members/static/myfirst.css: body { background-color: lightblue; font-family: verdana; } Modify the Template Now we have a CSS file, with some CSS styling. The next step will be to include this file in a HTML template:


Manvi Sharma

Docker: Managing data with Volumes (Part 1)

Hello everyone, In the last post, we learned to perform various operations with containers and images. In this post, we will explore volumes, which are like state management for running applications with docker. We will discuss different kinds of data we encounter while working with docker. We will learn about different kinds of volumes, and explore anonymous and named volumes in detail by discussing their implementation in a node server application. We will create these volumes in our system.


Manvi Sharma

Must've Figma Plugins as a UI/UX Designer

Plugins play a crucial role in enhancing Figma's capabilities. These allow designers to customize according to their specific needs and preferences. With the help of plugins, we can automate mundane and time-consuming tasks. This encourages an innovative atmosphere in which designers can push the limits of what is possible inside the Figma ecosystem.


Sneha Grover


In my previous post I have discussed BlocProvider. With reference to it in today’s post we will be looking more at Flutter BLoC concepts. BlocBuilder is a widget that helps rebuild the UI based on some Bloc state changes. This component rebuilds the UI every time either Bloc or Cubit emits a new state.


Sailesh Verma

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