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Install Playwright: Most Reliable Web Automation Tool.

We can use yarn or npm. Or Alternatively a VScode Extension can also serve the purpose.

Lets have a look how to get playwright using npm.


What it is?

Playwright is a test automation tool specifically engineered for the modern web and generally runs very quickly, even for complex testing projects.

Playwright enables reliable end-to-end testing for modern web apps.

Yea, Selenium has a couple of limitations here, but for applications we can use #Appium; It is an #open-source tool for automating native, mobile & hybrid applications on iOS, Android, and Windows platforms. These both tools can be integrated and used in a single framework. The framework which has an easy and reliable implementation is Page object Model.

Lastly, there is a limitation to this, which kind of fades away after considering it best for other use cases which is - It is exclusively for Web Based applications. i.e. we cannot automate/include other parts like OS/desktop/mobile applications in its scope.