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B2B Accounting with MindBridge: A Comprehensive Exploration

Are you ready to revolutionize your B2B accounting processes, enhance efficiency, and uncover hidden opportunities? In the fast-paced world of modern business, having the right software at your disposal can make all the difference. Enter MindBridge, an advanced accounting tool designed to meet the unique needs of B2B enterprises. In this blog, we will delve into the world of MindBridge, exploring its distinctive features and how they can transform your accounting practices.


Rob Den

DevOps Automation

Automation is the crucial need for DevOps practices, and automate everything is the fundamental principle of DevOps. Automation kick starts from the code generation on the developers machine, until the code is pushed to the code and after that to monitor the application and system in the production.


Amit Kumar

Useful Flutter packages:

url_launcher: Sometimes your application requires you to provide an external url that links to a website. Or you need to provide an email address or even a phone number in the contact form, to reach the support. For all these external links, it would be nice to open them directly through the app.


Sailesh Verma

Sprout Social vs. Later: Which is Better for Branding in 2023?

Wondering which social media management tool will elevate your branding game this year? Well! Picking the right tool matters. By this, you can enhance your brand effectively. So, dear readers, Meet Sprout Social first. It gives data-driven insights, and competitive analysis that will help you in multiple ways. Plus, it nurtures client relationships seamlessly. Now, let's talk about Later. Its visual storytelling expertise awaits you.


Rob Den

Introducing the useLoaderData Hook:

The useLoaderData hook is a custom hook in React that helps you load data into your component. It simplifies the process of fetching data from an API or performing any asynchronous operation. When you use the useLoaderData hook, you provide it with a function that returns a Promise. This Promise represents an asynchronous operation that will fetch the data you need. Once the Promise resolves, the data becomes available to your component.


Shalini Chauhan

Scry Vs Laminar: Which is better?

Are you concerned about your business’s security? Do you need a SaaS product to help you get rid of security problems? Well! I know it is indeed a big concern in these times. But wait! I have something today. This blog is all you need to say goodbye to your concerns! Trust me! Get ready for a showdown like no other as these two powerful contenders battle it out for the title of the best B2B platform.


Rob Den

What is initState() In Flutter?

In this post we will go through the initState method of the flutter initState() This is the first method called when the widget is created ,initState is called once and only once when the Stateful Widget is inserted in the widget tree. We generally override this method if we need to do some sort of initialization work .


Sailesh Verma

Unmasking Content Topics: The Power of Deep Learning

In the digital era where billions of text data are generated every minute, categorizing and understanding the information has become a crucial task. This post delves into how deep learning, a subfield of artificial intelligence (AI), can be employed to identify the topics of a content piece.


Yash Sharma

Functions in TYPESCRIPT-

For the most part functions in TS work just as functions in Javascript do with the obvious difference being that you can specify argument and return types. Here's a named function with it's argument and return types specified. function subtract(x: number, y: number): number { return x - y; }


Shalini Chauhan

Transform Your Images into Captivating Advertisements with Zyng!

In the world of advertising, visual appeal is paramount. A captivating image has the power to grab attention, convey a message, and leave a lasting impression. However, creating stunning advertisement visuals often requires expertise in graphic design and expensive software tools. That's where Zyng comes in - a tool that simplifies the process of transforming ordinary images into eye-catching advertisements.


Harshik Pulavarthy

How to build Responsive Designs for your website using different CSS Frameworks?

Responsive design allows your website content to flow freely across all screen resolutions and sizes, and renders it to look great on all devices. So let's checkout how to make a website responsive using various CSS Frameworks available!



Browser Performance And Security (Part 1)

A web browser is old software, with lineages tracing back to the 1990s. It’s our portal to the cloud, interface with Salesforce, AWS, Azure, and countless other services. It’s also one of the most insecure apps you will ever use, with malicious attacks targeting the browser.


Manvi Sharma

Binding components props-

Using bind: you can bind a value to any prop that a component exposes. Let's you have a Car.svelte component: <script> export let inMovement = false </script> <button on:click={() => inMovement = true }>Start car</button> You can import the component and bind the inMovement prop:


Shalini Chauhan

Using Label Studio to label and annotate data for ML integration

Today we will discuss one of the important features of Label Studio which is labelling and annotating data. Before we start you can briefly read about Label Studio here. When you’re creating a project, you can save your progress at any time. You don’t need to import your data and set up the labelling interface all at the same time, but you can.


Manvi Sharma

Docker: Managing data with Volumes (Part 2)

Hello everyone, In the last post, we discussed the concept of volumes. We discussed the use of named and anonymous volumes. In this post, we will discuss the need and use of bind mounts We will learn the use of .dockerignore files. We will also see working with environment variables and .env files. We will also learn the use of build arguments.


Manvi Sharma

Design is not just about aesthetics, it's about functionality, usability, and UX.

Dieter Rams, one of the most influential designers of the 20th century, outlined 10 principles of good design that are still relevant today. ✅ Good design is innovative. ✅Good design makes a product useful. ✅Good design is aesthetic.


Chetna Grover

Scheduling Jobs in Node.js

Do you wish to automate certain tasks on your application server and free yourself from the burden of manual execution? Are you looking to avoid the hassle of remembering to periodically manage data transfer or cleanup on different parts of the server? Enter cron job schedulers, a widely adopted solution for automating such tasks.


Manvi Sharma

Exploring and Experimenting with AI (Part-5)

Cohesive AI - Unacademy ChatGPT competitor for content creation. Are you tired of struggling with ChatGPT prompts? Cohesive AI is an innovative platform that assists in content creation by streamlining the process and enhancing productivity. It offers handpicked curated templates to produce high-quality content more efficiently.


Chetna Grover

In my previous post I have discussed State Management in Flutter. In this post I will be discussing what BLoC is & why it is used.

While building an application as a developer we want to know what state our application is in at every point and to record every single user interaction in our application so BLoC was designed to handle all these requirements.


Sailesh Verma

ENIAC : The First Electronic Computer

ENIAC, in full Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer, the first programmable general-purpose electronic digital computer. It was designed and invented by John Presper Eckert and John Mauchly at the University of Pennsylvania to calculate artillery firing tables for the US Army's Ballistic Research Laboratory.


Sailesh Verma

What is ChatGPT ?

So, ChatGPT has been the latest vibrant on the Internet , here in this post I will be discussing more about it. ChatGPT is a natural language processing tool driven by AI technology that allows you to have human-like conversations and much more than a chatbot. ChatGPT was launched as a prototype on 30th November 2022, developed by OpenAI.


Sailesh Verma

Principles of UX Design Psychology (Part-1)

The Principle of Least Effort: It is rather straightforward and self-explanatory. People try to finish activities with the least amount of effort feasible. The simplest algorithm is always the most attractive one; this rule applies to not just people but also to animals and even machines.


Chetna Grover

Animated Text In Flutter:

In this post, we will be probing Text Animations in Flutter using the animated_text_kit package for our flutter applications. Animations make the UI more interactive and enhance the user experience. There is no limitation of creativity when it comes to animations or making the application more interactive.


Sailesh Verma

Understanding Database Types

A database is an organized collection of structured information, or data, typically stored electronically in a computer system. A database is usually controlled by a database management system (DBMS). They help store large volumes of data in one place. Multiple users can read and modify the data at the same time. They are searchable and sortable, so the data you need can be found quickly and easily.


Manvi Sharma

Event Forwarding-

We already discussed, When we fire the event only the parent component receives it. It'll not go to hierarchy itself. However, sometimes, we need the events to be used by other parent components. We need to nest the events further up in hierarchy. Create a new file FirstEventComponent.svelte, modify the button with the below code.


Shalini Chauhan

Introduction to Mongoose

Hi everyone, Today we will learn about Mongoose. An Object Data Modeling(ODM) library for Node.js and MongoDB which provides a higher-level abstraction for interacting with MongoDB, a popular NoSQL database and simplifies the process of defining and working with data models and schemas.


Manvi Sharma

Tools in Scenes Tab

As already mentioned, on clicking on any axis of a game object, it turns to yellow color. Once turned to yellow we can use it to move along that axis. The position where the x, y, and z-axis meet is called Pivot, and if the position along the x, y, and z-axis of a game object is 0, then that is called universalizing position inside unity.


Manvi Sharma

Principles of UX Design Psychology (Part 2)

The Principle of Perpetual Habit: It states that people greatly rely on their memory and habit when doing this or that task. There are areas where you can exercise creativity and innovation, but there are some universal standards you should never change.


Chetna Grover

Opt2 - Intro to optimization in deep learning:

Loss Function For the purpose of simplicity, let's pretend that our network contains just two parameters. In reality, this number would be close to a billion, but for the sake of keeping things simple and preventing mental overload, we'll use the two parameter example throughout the piece.


Yash Sharma

What is DHT(Distributed Hash table)?

Suppose you want to store your data where you can easily perform search, read, and write operations. The most efficient way would be to store them as key-value pairs as a map. While maps will be quick in performing all such operations, they have one limitation: they are only stored locally on a single computer.


Manvi Sharma

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