Botnet Attack | Ravi Singh


Ravi Singh
Jan 26, 2023

Botnet Attack

The term botnet is a combination of the words robot and network. A botnet is a collection of Internet-connected devices, each of which runs one or more bots. The term is generally used in a negative or malicious context, given the criminal use to which such networks are often put.

DDoS Attacks

A botnet is a collection of automatically connected devices, not a virus in and of itself. If they are infected with malware, cybercriminals can take control and distribute malicious programs. Botnets are frequently used by attackers to launch DDoS attacks, send spam, detect passwords, and spread ransomware.

Botnets are formed when a virus infects a victim's computer or another Internet-connected device. Some of these botnets can spread automatically, finding and infecting other devices. Others require users to unwittingly infect their own computer or smartphone by installing a malicious app or program.

In 2016, for example, a massive DDoS attack was launched against Dyn, one of the organizations in charge of managing the Internet. This attack made use of a botnet comprised of security cameras and DVRs. The attack brought the Internet to a halt in many parts of the world, disrupting popular websites such as Twitter and Amazon.

Bots and IoT

As the Internet of Things expands and the number of Internet-connected devices increases, cybercriminals will have more opportunities to expand their botnets and have a greater impact. The expansion of the Internet of Things (IoT) could result in increasingly large botnets.

Botnets can infect almost any Internet-connected device, either directly or through Wi-Fi. PCs, laptops, smartphones, DVRs, smartwatches, security cameras, smart home appliances, and so on Any of these could become a botnet victim.

Though it may appear to be science fiction to think that your refrigerator or coffee maker could be part of a criminal network, it happens more frequently than people realize. Domestic appliance manufacturers frequently use weak passwords to protect devices, making them easy prey for bots that scour the Internet.

How to avoid botnets

By now it should be clear that a global strategy is required to counter botnets, one that includes good practices on the Internet as well as antivirus protection. As you now know how botnets operate, here is some advice about how to deal with them.

1. Keep your operating system up-to-date

2. Don't open files from unknown or suspicious sources

3. Scan all downloads before running the downloaded files, or find different ways of transferring files.

4. Don't click suspicious links

5. Install an antivirus program