In continuation with learning playwright automation, lets have a look at some of it's advantages. | Avni

Dec 1, 2022

In continuation with learning playwright automation, lets have a look at some of it's advantages.

Since playwright is very new tool in the market, there are many new feature releases happening every month. Following are some of the added advantages that this new tool has come up with making it a more popular choice than the existing tools.

Easy Setup and Configuration:

Depending on the language we use with Playwright, the installation steps might change. But being a test automation framework, it just needs a simple configuration as the installation does not takes much time.

Multi-Browser Support:

As we had already discussed in my pervious post browsers like Chromium family browsers i.e. Chrome, Edge, Webkit (Safari), and Firefox are all supported here.

Multi-Language Support:

Playwright supports languages like Java, C#, Python, Javascript /Typescript and hence making it a popular choice.

Types of Testing:

Some types of testing playwright supports are :

  • Functional
  • End to End
  • API Testing

But also with a third-party plugin, Playwright can be integrated with Accessibility Testing ( A type of testing that ensures whether our product is capable that it is accessible to as many people possible ).

Parallel Browser Testing:

Playwright also supports the execution of simultaneous tests through Browser Context and can run parallel tests with multiple browsers. This scales up testing and becomes more handy when multiple web pages have to be tested simultaneously.

Support for Multiple Tab/Browser Window:

Playwright also supports multi-tab and multi-window. Some test cases need to verify the scenario by launching a new window and returning to the parent window. This advantage helps to tackle such cases easily.

Built-in Reporters:

Here the playwright's framework, comes with a lot of valuable reporters like :

  • List
  • Dot
  • Line
  • JSON
  • JUnit
  • HTML Reporters

The exciting part is that with Playwright, one can create custom reporters.

Typescript Support out of the box:

This is an additional feature as Playwright gives an out of the box support i.e. zero or no configuration at all is required for typescript language support as it understands your typescript and javascript code.

CI/CD Integration Support:

Playwright also supports CI/CD (continuous integration and continuous deployment) integration. It even provides docker images for some language bindings.

Debugging Tools Support:

Playwright provides many different debugging options and hence making it developer-friendly. Some debugging options are:

  • Playwright Inspector
  • VSCode Debugger
  • Browser Developer Tools
  • Trace Viewers Console Logs

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