Nayeema Tabassum (@millisent-soviet)

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Nayeema Tabassum

I'm an innovative content creator. I'm working on a start-up called Tregrantha. DM me to know more about it.


Post 7: Dec 21 💯 Successful entrepreneurs acknowledge that they cannot do everything on their own. 💯 They must inspire others to join them in investing in their dreams and using their product. Comment 💯 if you agree with this!


Here's a short summary of Invention Cycle! -To sum up, you interact with your surroundings in order to identify pain points. -Then, with a little motivation, you start experimenting in order to come up with creative solutions. 1/3

I realised a little late that FIFO has thread feature. If not I'd post the entire "Invention Cycle" at one place. But better late than never. Check this thread to know entirely about "Invention Cycle." 1/6

Post 5: Invention Cycle (continued...) Stage 4: Entrepreneurship🕴️ ⚖️ Scaling ideas through innovation. 💡Here, you survive in the hardships and inspire others to support your cause. Dec 19!


Tech news: AWS launched sagemaker studio lab: 🆓It's a free tool to learn and experiment with machine learning. 🔘It provides the user with all the necessities required to start. 👩‍💻It also has no-code feature which can be used by analysts to build ML models. It's all 🆓

Nayeema Tabassum reposted

So, @Vishal Chandra here asked "How do you wake up?" Here's my answer for it!🥲 Keep alarm ⏰ Turn it off! Get scoldings from mom, still sleep. Then see some bad dream about failing in exams, get panic and wake up. LoL 🤣


Post 4: Invention Cycle (continued...) Stage 3: Innovation 😇 😇 Using creativity to come up with a one-of-a-kind solution. In this step, you reframe the problem by looking at it from a different angle. Dec 18! Stay tuned...💫


Post 3: Invention Cycle (continued...) Stage 2: Creativity 🖍️ 🌸 Using one's imagination to solve a problem. 🌸 Your interest grows here, and you begin to list solutions. Dec 17! To be continued...🐣


Post 2: Invention Cycle (continued...) Stage 1: Imagination 🤔 💫 The act of envisioning something that does not exist. 💫 You pause here to experience your surroundings and begin to notice areas for improvement. Dec 16! Stay tuned for next posts.🐣

Nayeema Tabassum reposted

#2 Sone basic tips for typography - 📌 For contrast use font of different classification 📌Skip a weight to get noticed (light to bold / medium to extra bold) 📌 Size of heading should be multiple of body (Body - 15pt,heading - 30pt ) PFA a guide to typography terminologies
