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Divyansh Rai

Software Engineer @GlueLabs


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Scheduling Jobs in Node.js

Do you wish to automate certain tasks on your application server and free yourself from the burden of manual execution? Are you looking to avoid the hassle of remembering to periodically manage data transfer or cleanup on different parts of the server?

Enter cron job schedulers, a widely adopted solution for automating such tasks.


GraphQL is an API query language and a runtime on the server side that executes queries using a user-defined type system for data manipulation. Unlike being dependent on a particular database or storage engine, GraphQL relies on your pre-existing code and data as its foundation.

Today I'm going to talk about something that is too weird in RUST. I don't know if it was needed or was added to stand out as a programming language, but it is there. Statements & Expressions

Let's dig a bit further into Divyansh Rai's post on Variable & Mutability - https://fifo.im/p/jcjxxyx3ubl0 # Constants Rust also lets you declare constants. So if you read Divyansh's article, you might wonder why we need constant when we have immutable variables? Let me explain...

# Rust - Revolutionary programming language? It's been quite some time since Rust has been in the market. It's been making some news lately when some developers claimed it to be the most performant language than many other popular languages.