Launch of Homomorphic Encryption as a Service | Courtney Kemp

Launch of Homomorphic Encryption as a Service

Blyss is an open-source homomorphic encryption software development kit (SDK) that provides fully managed service to retrieve an item from a key-value store without revealing which item was retrieved to the server.

Blyss focuses on solving the problem of retrieving data while maintaining privacy, allowing servers to perform computations on encrypted data without ever knowing what the users are doing.

Blyss has achieved significant speedups, making it practical for real-world applications such as password scanners, domain name servers, and social apps.

Blyss provides a familiar Firebase-like interface that allows developers to use homomorphic encryption, and the cryptography is written in Rust and compiled to WebAssembly.

Blyss is open source, and the server is available for self-hosting, with a pricing plan based on usage. Link: